Economic climate in 2015 and onward will challenge MSMEs in more ways than one. Employers have a choice that will make things not only easier but durable for them. What such a choice can be? Develop leadership with in the firm; at the lowest level. Such leaderships at work place will become your competitive edge and help you switch to fast track early.
Most people want to know, what will in involve? How can I choose a leader among the pack? How to enlist him for development, with in the working hours? Can something go wrong?
Such thoughts are perfectly justified. First of all, it is not about making an announcement of Internal Leadership Program. Before making any move, please study your delegation style. On what basis you have been delegating work of supervising or overseeing a chunk of work. Have you been choosing some one for whom you have developed fondness, or some one who is very affectionate, or someone you fancy?
I know of an organization which is now suffering due to a senior salesperson. How? Some two decades ago when the owner once gave him a personal errand which owner's wife had requested. She might have suggested to make use of a person who has to be out in the market. Owner requested this person to do the needful and report to his wife. When the owner asked, "This is my personal work, will you be able to do it?" The salesperson replied, "Sir, I am your Hanuman, you can rest assured." [According to holy Ramayana, Hunuman was Lord Ram's Man Friday and more.] That person is still in the same frame of mind and the world around him has changed a lot. This method of delegation is not a productive one, though it may be a satisfactory one for some bosses. So, how to chose people who have potential to become a leader with passage of time?
First of all focus on persons who have the ability to tutor. Pay special attention to those who have been spreading rumours and unproductive ideas that are against the firms objective. Basically short-list those who are better communicators and their ability to tutor will help them become better 'coach' some time in future.
Next thing to focus upon is their consistency at work place and their ability to independently handle an assigned task. If you spot any weakness in their working, get involved and make it an area of development for the person.
Now some tactics of taking this process to next level.
Year 2015 has unfolded new strategies of Government of India to make our $ 2 Trillion economy into a $ 20 Trillion economy. You are aware that such a transformation wouldn't be possible unless each and every participant in the economy, read your work force, increased its own out put on daily basis.
In quest of leaders, you have focused on (1) Good communicators, as they would easily develop coaching skills; (2) persons you have found to be consistent at work place, in terms of presence and quality of their out put.
Your next stop would be to short-list them further on the basis of their authenticity. Here is a way to check it through your observations.
Check them out for any pretentious behaviour. See if they tend to pretend, what they may not be. Eliminate pretentious persons from your short list.
Next see if they are able to 'do what they say'. Meaning their deeds and expressed thoughts display closeness.
Finally, observe the choices they are making. Look for a person who is making value based choices, whenever an occasion arises.
Now make such person sensitive towards customer satisfaction, internal and external customers.
When it comes to Customers, almost everyone believe himself to be an expert. Such a feeling stems from two main causes: (1) Everyone is a customer too. (2) One's own perception, habitual way of thinking does not let a person see other points of view easily. David Ogilvy had furthered this point. He said, "Consumer isn't a moron, she is your wife". Though in Indian context many would like believe, "Consumer is not a moron, she is your Mother-in law. Those who understood the message gained very much and are known to have kept it hidden.
And based of these and a few other other reasons, everyone is comfortable with his views on relationships with customers, until crisis arrives. Now, end of the month is an occasion when most of such beliefs are put to test and the reality dawns. This is the month we face the consequences of our assumptions and actions based on those. Most people then depend on their 'locker-room' buddies for advice and view points and reinforce their beliefs. Only a select few are able to take those analytical moments forward into positive actions as freely available advice usually shoots down the ideas of travelling previously uncharted paths.
Finally, at any given time hundreds of ideas are available for consideration, and what may be good for one, may not be good for others. That is where external consultants are useful. They are able to provide both, an apperture in the ceiling as well as an outsiders view, which are essential to take your organization forward in your growth journey - your fast track.
And here is the last, yet no the least important point. Recently, one guy named Hassan called me. His concluding remark was, "Nice to talk to you after one year!" I was stunned. I know time flies, but I thought he had called just before the Christmas last.
And this idea flashed-
You will agree that it is every business's dream. Every businessman, CEO, Executive Vice President - and whatever you like to call them - are looking for more revenue in lesser time. And the slice of cake is getting smaller. The available space to operate is shrinking. Therefore to switch to fast track, performance is the key; particularly, performance of your salespeople. Encourage them to improve their capabilities so that their improved performance would take your revenues to next level.