Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Talent is Multidimensional

Recently I saw Deepika Padukone in a Talent Hunt Show. She was on her roller skates and performed several dance movements in a flawless manner. I was awe struck. This is why:

  • Deepika came to lime light with her stint in Badminton, which she probably picked up as her father is an ace Badminton player.
  • If she learnt roller skating as a child is not known, yet in my view that is an additional plus for her. And now, that ability to dance like a consummate performer you often see on television took the breath out of me.
  • From Badminton, she went on to become a fashion model, adding another dimension to her talent.
  • Then she switched over to an acting career.
  • All these happened very quickly, with in a some 3 - 4 years of her switching from Badminton. May be actual number of years is some what different.

You can call her very talented, a quick learner and a born star, clap, cheer, become a fan, seek auto graph, dream hugging her. OR you can take a leaf out of her life to study her DNA, the stuff she is made of. When you do that, you will find, she is another "next door girl" who happened to shape her talents by letting those talents out.

People who show such diversity of high grade talent, have learnt "Learning" very early in life. They stay away from "Faking" and focus on immediate challenges. Instead of worrying about what will I wear on the Red Carpet, they get busy doing some thing that would take them there. I am awe struck that Deepika has mastered this quality. I know very little about her, yet I am sure, she has this knack of learning what makes a career switch successful.

Each one of us has a talent that we can be proud of. It takes a while to discover it. It may even take decades. The task is made difficult by us alone, some what automatically. As young children, we were very impressionable. We did not know it - then. We saw some thing being done, took fancy for it and declared, I am going to be so-n-so, with out going into the feasibility of it. The other common folly is, we ignored our other interests, skills, or talents. We just focused on that "acquired interest" and struggled to make it work. If the choice was correct, it worked; otherwise we blamed it on the good old "LUCK".

Here I wish to share a technique I have often used. I have found myself mediocre in many areas. I failed to excel and suffered the consequences. ["Suffering the consequences" would be more appropriate.] How do I overcome this situation? I focus on only one area of endeavor at a time. I focus so intensely that I some times can not even recall details from my other efforts. People smilingly help me out. People have also told me, 'it happens with us all, age sure catches up you know!' This intense focus creates energy, abilities that make my task simpler when I switch my area of effort. This intense focus (in a diversion) creates those spaces [in my mind] that improve my ability to handle my routine tasks as well. May be you have another way to explain this phenomenon, yet you can not deny the benefit accrued.

The point I wish to make is-

We all are blessed with multiple set of talents. Some of us become obsessed with one of those talents. Some of us are pressurized to focus on one of those talents. Please be aware that other talents haven't deserted you. Those talents too are with in you. Also, please be aware, that unused talents too are trying to come out in open, and in such an effort may be blocking the path of the expression. Allow them some time and let them be out, blocks would be a thing of past - and pure joy shall prevail.