Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Body language is changing...

We all have learned the importance of Body Language at some stage or the other. The old adage- "Actions speak louder than words!" is still valid and going strong. However I have come across a few significant occurrences which indicate just like any other language this all powerful language too is changing. Meanings assigned to certain gestures, set of gestures are changing.

  • Previously if one smiled at another. It was for giving some thing to the other. Now, if one smiles at another, it is for taking some thing away.
  • Previously in traffic, if some one looked at the other driver, s/he would give him right of the way. He could proceed as desired. Now looking at other is considered giving right of the way to the other person.
  • Previously if a person walked with pride in his stride, he was an honest, law abiding and perhaps a God fearing man. These days if some one walks with pride in his stride, you could be sure that his kind of scam is working to his entire satisfaction.
  • Previously we looked at Blogs to see what other people wrote in their Blogs. These days we look at Blogs to look at our own Posts.

The above observations are not entirely devoid of intended pun. And if you ever gets to read this piece, please comment on what you think of the above.